Facts about Antiseptic Hand Sanitiser gels; nullifying their myths

A person touches his face multiple times a day, in this time of germs and viruses, contamination is common and protection against them is a must. The hands are the potential carriers of germs and infection of all types. For example, coming in contact with an object or a handshake can effectively result in the germs or viruses entering your body that can be unknown to you, especially in times of COVID-19 pandemic. Proper hand hygiene is of utmost importance.

Proper hand hygiene is important that includes washing your hands with soap and water and frequently disinfecting your hands with antiseptic hand sanitizer, also, they are recommended by the CDC, NIOSH, and WHO to keep the hand sanitizers with you at all times ad maintain all the levels of hygiene in order slow or prevent the infection of coronavirus and other germs or microbes.

Below mentioned are some myths that are common regarding the use of hand sanitizer gels.

1. Not all hand sanitizers are equal:

As often the case and concern is health, hand sanitizer is a controversial subject.

It is not necessary that all antiseptic hand sanitizer eliminate 99% of germs from your hands. The thing is, that hand sanitizer’s effectiveness differs depending on the product. It is fairly acceptable to say that some of the hand sanitizers kill and eliminate more than 99% of germs that infect you with respiratory problems such as cold or flu. It is not effective enough to prevent and stop the viral or bacterial infection.

2. Hand sanitizers might make some microbes resistant:

The most active ingredient in hand sanitizer gels is alcohol. And there is no proof or scientific data regarding the bacteria becoming more resistant to alcohol making the hand sanitizers ineffective. As the alcohol dries out completely leaving no trace behind.

3. Homemade hand sanitizers are safe and effective:

There are a lot of recipes that tell you how to make sanitizers at home on the internet. Especially at this time. But please get your facts right, there is a reason companies are making these regulations about strictly using the sanitizers that are made in with industry standards.

Also, mixing rubbing alcohol in an alcohol-free sanitizer is not going to turn that more effective than the original antiseptic hand sanitizer gel.  

4. The use of hand sanitizers can be harmful in the long term:

We agree with the fact that hand sanitizers can make your hands dry. But that is not a damage a moisturizer cannot repair. However, there is no scientific fact that can justify or prove this statement. The hand sanitizer gel is made to tale care of you. Not to harm you in any way.

5. The higher the alcohol content, the more effective the hand sanitizer is:

This is true as well as false. There is a term called optimum. The optimum quantity of alcohol in an antiseptic hand sanitizer is what is required for it to become more effective as the iCleanse antiseptic hand sanitizer by iBreathe that contains 75% of ethyl alcohol.

Also, you should buy hand sanitizer gel that is antiseptic and virucidal from companies that provide you the full transparency and knowledge about their product.


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